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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gadis cantik ini selamba tanggalkan pakaian dalam pertandingan cari bakat

(Chengdu Evening News) Nov. 9 Yesterday, a draft pick video crazily spread in the major forums and sites. Video content took place in Chengdu, the scene is extremely hot. In a very common draft, a very beautiful female athlete at the T-stage show suddenly stripped herself naked like a thunder bolt! When she calmly face the on the audience wearing not a stitch, All guys can not stay calm, shouting in surprise: “wow! This is too shameless!”

Strip off within 2 seconds. All freaked out

This video was originally posted by net user called “arrogant rooster”, post title: “Chengdu Draft Pick Gate, The girl aspire to fame strip off in public, videos and truth here”In the post, he said on Nov. 8 he went to the show spot to support one of his female friends, and then came to the scene: a female player to see the unexpectedly stripped herself naked when walking on the stage. This scene shocked him, making him feel that “No worth mentioning Shoushou and Yan Feng Jiao, compared to this they have become clouds … …” Unable to hold excitement he put the video online at noon the day before yesterday.

Video duration is 26 seconds, at start everything is calm, a tall graceful girl wearing a black dress walk on stage to dynamic music, two laps later, she went to the middle of the stage and suddenly paused, slightly sideways she pulls the front zip, her dress drops, naked! All this happen within only two seconds and the audience did not even react.

Be silent for a while before the audience broke out in deafening screams. In background voice, a male audience sighed: “wow! This is too shameless!” after Wake up, the crowd begin shooting the video with mobile phone, there are also photographers rushing onto the stage directly and madly press the shutter. The working staff only get real after seven to eight seconds, rushing onto the stage to put on clothes for the model. The first is the dress that she handed off and only to find too little cloth to cover the player, Then they immediately make a “sacrifice” and cover with staff’s shirt… …
She is a body model and have asked for “Hidden rules”several times.

Reporter yesterday contacted Wang Yun in charge of this activity. He acknowledged that this talent contest suspended due to the accident. According to one on-spot staff from Renqi Net, all employees were scared after the scene occurred that day. “I remember she was the 6th player, we are more shocked at the moment of his stripping, I still feel a little funny.” She said. When the staff realized what had happened what they could do was to dim the lights, and then rushed to cover the girl with clotehs.

Miss Zhou told that the female payer` first name is C (because it involves personal privacy, where real name withheld), is a body model. “I do not know much about her, but for I was too surprised and so specifically checked her name.” As for the reason why she stripped, she recalled that a moment after the incident C wearing the shirt of staff spoke at backstage, ” C said that He was against the hidden rule, because she had participated in many competitions and encountered several potential regulatory requirements and she refused. So this time she directly took her clothes off … … “. Being nude to protest against the casting coach? Make the hidden rules a “clear rule”? Her logic of make female Miss Zhou feel a little funny, she said C`s confession also annoyed the judges on spot. However, the judges` reaction contrasted with the audience who had “See all”. “Some men who got feast at this time do not forget to applaud for the beauty’s rhetoric and give a shout”
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